Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The "Jeeyu Mayu" Mystery

My two-year old's vocabulary is improving by leaps and bounds. First-time parents that we are, my husband and I cannot control our excitement as he makes rapid strides in the realm of communication. Each new word is greeted with a round of applause and proudly shared with anyone who cares to listen or is not in a position to run away. Even the building watchman is not spared, poor man.

My son seems to be a firm believer of the Continuity Theory. None of his words end abruptly. For example, oats is "oshee", juice is "juishee", ball is "ballee", sun is "sunny" and so on. All this is music to our ears. But occassionally, we are stumped by certain words he utters. Let me tell you about the "jeeyu mayu" mystery. One fine day, my son walks up to me and says "jeeyu mayu". I am naturally baffled as I can't think of any phrase in English, Hindi or Malayalam which sounds like this. I desperately think of an intelligent reply as my son looks earnestly at my face, hoping for some signs of comprehension. He repeats the phrase again hoping that this will help his mentally deficient mother who doesn't even know what "jeeyu mayu" means. I get panicky and end the conversation with a "Is it? OK". He walks away realising that this woman is hopeless while I pray that he doesn't repeat the word. However, "jeeyu mayu" continues to harass us for a week till I finally cracked the mystery. He was trying to say "See you tomorrow" which is what he tells his playschool teacher when he leaves at the end of a day!

My pride on solving this case was short-lived as he soon came up with the next puzzle. This time, it was "boto" which I soon discovered meant "water". My son continues to challenge our mental faculties and we hapless parents are bombarded with new brain teasers every other day. I just cracked one this morning-"ba ba bashki" means waste paper basket.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Magic Begins

When you have to manage a hyper-active kid, a part-time job, a home, and a husband, there is one person you tend to ignore. This blog is my attempt to catch up with that very special someone-myself!

Becoming a mother has changed me and my life completely. Career aspirations have been carefully tucked away. Personal space has been replaced with hugs and cuddles. Sleeplessness has become a way of life. Meal times are incomplete without at least half a dozen interruptions. But no complaints-my little one has brought immense love and happiness to our lives and there is nothing in the world that can replace what he has given us.

At the same time, there is that urge to reclaim at least a part of my identity and be something more than just a mother or a wife or an employee. What better way to do this than penning down my thoughts- I am a true believer of the magic of words. Hence, this blog.

Looking forward to sharing my thoughts and hearing from you all as well. Good day!